(Welcome to 3J Topology Seminar)
(1st J=Jing, 京; 2nd J=Jin, 津; 3rd J=Ji, 冀)
At the summer of 2019, the topologists, from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science at Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), School of Mathematical Science at Nankai University (Nankai) and College of Mathematics and Information Science at Heibei Normal University (HNU), initiated and organized a regular topology seminar, with these three institutions as the main body. This seminar is aimed to promote the research and the development of topology in this district. Especially, it wishes to apply a reliable platform for the young topologists in this district to cultivate and develop their own abilities on research and related skills, to expand their research interests and to enhance the academic communications.
讨论班的主题,持续更新中 (The subejcts of the seminar, updated continuously)
- 同伦论 (Homotopy Theory)
- 流形的几何与拓扑 (Geometry and Topology of Manifolds)
- 谱序列 (Spectral Sequences)
讨论班基本形式 (The basic form of the seminar)
- 讨论班一般在学期中间的周末举行
(The seminar usually holds at weekend during academic semester) - 一般每年举办3次讨论班,在上述三所单位轮流举行
(The seminar is usually held 3 times per year, rotating among the three institutions) - 讨论班的内容一般分为三部分:邀请报告,学生报告,自由讨论
(The seminar usually consists of three parts: invited talks, student talks, and free discussions)
学术委员会 (Scientific Committee)
- 段海豹 中国科学院 (Haibao Duan, CAS)
- 黄瑞芝 中国科学院 (Ruizhi Huang, CAS)
- 刘秀贵 南开大学 (Xiugui Liu, Nankai)
- 潘建中 中国科学院 (Jianzhong Pan, CAS)
- 苏阳 中国科学院 (Yang Su, CAS)
- 王向军 南开大学 (Xiangjun Wang, Nankai)
- 王彦英 河北师范大学 (Yanying Wang, HNU)
- 吴杰 河北师范大学 (Jie Wu, HNU)
讨论班联络人 (Coordinators)
- 中科院联络人 苏阳 (Yang Su, suyang@math.ac.cn)
- 南开联络人 刘秀贵 (Xiugui Liu, xgliu@nankai.edu.cn)
- 河北师大联络人 丁雁鸿 (Yanhong Ding, yanhongding@163.com)
- 总联络人 黄瑞芝 (Ruizhi Huang, huangrz@amss.ac.cn)
(If you are interested in 3J seminar, please contact any of the four coordinators)
历次讨论班记录 (The list of historical seminars)
- 第一次讨论班,河北师范大学 (The 1st seminar, HNU)
- 第二次讨论班,中科院数学与系统科学研究院 (The 2nd seminar, CAS)
- 第三次讨论班,南开大学 (The 3rd seminar, Nankai)
- 第四次讨论班,河北师范大学 (The 4th seminar, HNU)